Terms and Conditions

Last Updated: 28-Aug-2023


Our website address is https://dubaitechtalks.com.

Terms of Use

The use of this website and the content contained therein is governed by these Terms of Use. All Users who are registered with Dubai Tech Talks or the visitors of this website are expected to adhere to the terms of use of this Website. When any user uses this site, then they acknowledge to have read the Terms of Use and accept that they will be bound by the terms hereof and such terms as may be modified from time to time.
The contents on the website including the details of the meetups, programs or any content, etc. of this website may not be distributed, modified, reproduced, or used, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of Dubai Tech Talks founders. The website is controlled and operated by Dubai Tech Talks, and it makes no representation that materials in this website are appropriate or available for use in other locations.
Dubai Tech Talks trademarks and copyrights may not be used in connection with any product or service that is not Dubai Tech Talks, in any manner that is likely to cause confusion among users, visitors or members, or in any manner that disparages or discredits Dubai Tech Talks. All other trademarks and logos used in this system are the trademarks, or logos of their respective owners. Users gain no right to use any representation of Dubai Tech Talks or any other entity by virtue of use of this system.
Unless otherwise indicated in this system, including the Privacy Policy or in connection with this website, any communications or material of any kind that is transmitted through this website (excluding personally identifiable information of individuals) including this website content or information will be treated as non-confidential or non-proprietary. Use of personally identifiable information of an individual is set forth in the Privacy Policy.
Dubai Tech Talks reserves the right to modify/suspend/cancel or discontinue any or all sections or service at any time without notice. It also reserves the right to make modifications and alterations in the information contained on the website without notice.
The Dubai Tech Talks members section is for the reference of registered members of community. Dubai Tech Talks reserves the right to discontinue the member login on account of the member not meeting the criteria or guidelines set forth by the Dubai Tech Talks.
Dubai Tech Talks reserves the right to modify the terms of use of any service without any liability. Dubai Tech Talks reserves the right to take all measures necessary to prevent access to any service or termination of service if the terms of use are not complied with or are contravened or there is a violation of copyright, trademark or any other proprietary right.

Contact Information

Terms of use related comments can be directed to dubaitechtalks@gmail.com