Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 28-Aug-2023


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Automated System Information

The web server maintenance team collects certain meta data about the visitors to the website for the purpose of statistics and enhancement of browser experience. These are not identified with any specific natural person. No specific profiling is done by the website of the users. This data is therefore considered not an identifiable personal data.

Visitors and Members

Dubai Tech Talks Community conducts meetups in which guests speak or present their views on different subjects related to technology or entrepreneurship.
When visitors register themselves for any meetups conducted by Dubai Tech Talks, information as indicated in the registration form is collected.
Members attend the meetup or join the Community provide such information that are called for in the registration form which may be collected offline or through online forms. These are obtained on specific consent and for the purpose of providing specific services. This information is used for sending invitations for the meetup for which registration is sought and for sending information about similar programs or related information subsequently.
During the meetups, webinars or online or offline programs the sessions may be recorded or photographed and information shared by the participants may be available for others.
The proceedings of the meetup may be recorded and disseminated through the website and on Youtube in public interest. Those who register for these programs and attend the program disclose their identity information as part of the security requirements in conducting such remote programs.
Members who opt to join any of the messaging groups meant for maintaining contact with the members and prospective members are required to share such information as may be required to maintain the messaging platform such as their WhatsApp or any such platform identity.
The collection, processing, retention, security and management of such information is subject to the compliance requirements under United Arab Emirates laws applicable.
We adhere to the legal jurisdiction of United Arab Emirates and donot recognize the jurisdiction of any foreign laws in this regard.

Contact Information

Privacy related comments can be directed to